Sunday, February 11, 2018

2017 through the eyes of the dog

Anyone who has spent much time with us lately, knows that our dog Lucky has become like a favorite child......she's eternally happy and an eager companion to even the most mundane of tasks.

Given I've been a blog slacker, Lucky agreed to provide a recap of what kept us busy in 2017....

Rain finally benefits our drought

(after years of no water, we had a serious deluge in early 2017)

However, does not help our deck building project
(2-3 month deck build turned into ~6 with rain delays and special railing we had no idea was special.  #learningwhattoaskinadvance)

The beach year round never gets old

(we still love that there are so many places to get into nature)

and Disc Golf in SF - who knew?!
(we discovered another gem in Golden Gate park - the disc golf course.  So fun!)

But, my love for water does not help the smell of our car
(we knew it was bad when after loaning it out, it was returned with an air freshener)

We continue to love slowing down in Tahoe
(winter 2017 was met with the most amazing snow - we got to ski and sled a ton)
(in turn - meant for more water in spring.   Circular loop with smelly car)

And I know I am loved based on what I get away with
(when everyone is asleep, I sneak onto the couch.  Then sneak back to their bedside before dawn to appear attentive)
(for my birthday, I got a trail of snacks leading me to my homemade cake.  The vet says I am 10 pounds overweight)
(making me an even better pillow)

Driving to MN is a long haul, but well worth it
(It took 2 silly long days to get there.  But driving meant Lucky could come) 

(Her enthusiasm made the drive worth it.  Proves attitude gets you all kinds of benefits in life)

Everyone is in a good place 
(with Q entering high school, we have 3 kids in 3 schools) 

But there are a lot of places to get everyone
(Thankfully, 2 / 3 can ride the city bus that stops right outside our door)

(and X can scooter to school)

Construction's all consuming
(With the decks done, we moved on to the house renovation.   It seems, once you decide to shift a stairwell, a zillion other dominoes fall.  Next thing you know...)

Tiny house living requires getting cozy
(We moved into an apartment across the street from our house.  5 of us + the 2 pets in a 2/1 means those sharing a bedroom are the lucky ones - Q merely has a 'nook')
(It's nice to have all the light of a south facing apartment, unless your bedroom is in the v. bright living room!)

International travel leaves me with a toddler & a cat
(After international travel 'withdraw', we booked 2 big trips in 2017.  
Visited Kiev friends & cousins in Cape Town & went on a cruise with the McDougal family to Australia/New Zealand.)

(Lucky was cared for by our neighbor Baby E and his cats.)

My people insist on festive
Costumes aren't limited to Halloween around here - superhero run, Star wars viewing, Oktoberfest, Santa run - if you want to wear sometime random, come on by anytime! 

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