Sunday, November 9, 2014

Getting into Halloween

It was exciting to be back in the States for Halloween - and several elements were as you'd expect:

Carved Pumpkins….
(With guest carvers Amy & aunt Sam)

Cycled through various costumes….
Given the evolving costume ideas & changing minds through all of October, we've had to institute a 1 costume purchase / Halloween rule….
However, Zoe expanded beyond 1 through technicalities - these are PJ's
She also got fox ears & a tail - convincing me those are 'accessories'

And ended up not wanting to wear any of that - instead would only wear my monster…

But the best part - by far - was just how into Halloween this city gets...

Several neighborhoods went so all out, they closed off the streets to cars 

What could be better than candy AND cartoons?!   
This house projected shows out front

Even the adults totally get into it
A day of the dead lady handing out candy….

Quincy's math teacher + the school Director…

A biking butterfly...

My fave - a neighbor surprise dropping his giant spider on passer-byers from the balcony….

There's nothing better than festivity & spirit.  
Here's to a town that gets that in spades & even got the kids to say (about our Halloween decor) "Mom, I think we need to step up our game"

Cheers to that!

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