Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Lovin the taxpayer $$ at work

Everyone knows San Francisco isn't cheap.  People talk about the cost of housing all the time - most live in way smaller than average houses - yet pay way more than average.  Expensive housing = lots of property tax $……

And while no one likes that - I do love the perks of what appears to be a well funded Parks & Rec ($160MM well funded)

Silly amazing parks
With non-rusted out toys...

Fab views….
…even from the top of the slide
(tho I suspect that's wasted on the kids)

And people doing random things in them...
(Zoe & Ruby crash a bubble birthday party)

Seriously wide range of enrichment opportunities
If you are a dull person in SF, it is NOT the city's fault.  The SF Parks & Rec puts out so many enrichment programs & classes it needs its own fat catalog…

Zoe tried dance (too intense)

And is now in Holiday Sparkle Art crafts
(way more her speed - and while others grummbled about the strict Russian teacher 'Tanya', Zoe didn't seem to notice)

There is even free Zumba in the park right next to her Sparkle class

The boys are in their 3rd session of "Yo-yo tennis"
(YES, they learn tennis AND yo-yo skills in this class :)

And while the view (see the bridge?) wasn't enough to convince X to love Golf…
(Made it only once - I suspect the stand still and make tiny tweaks to position were not his thing!)

He LOVES his Carpentry class…

Meanwhile Logan & I have been partaking in 'boot camp' - a fairly typical circuit type gym class - but with a serious range of people & outfits..

The teacher looks like he is ready to go on a hike...

But the one that really gives me the giggles is the guy who looks like he is going to a BBQ...
(Lululemon?!   Nah - why not cargo shorts, short sleeve button down + black socks?!)

Have a random interest?   Odds are they have a class for it….one could seriously do it all in the SF Parks & Rec!

Here's to focusing on the park perks vs. the silly pricey

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